Art coaches & communities to learn from!

InspirationArt coaches & communities to learn from!

Art coaches & communities to learn from!

I’m back home after spending some precious time with my family! Visiting them is chicken soup for my soul and just fuels me with happiness and excitement to get back to work. However, this time was different because when I got home I wasn’t feeling my best, after a Doctor’s visit I have been prescribed medicine and rest so creating will have to wait a couple of more days. 

Since being a couch potato makes me feel guilty (but trust me it’s needed sometimes) I have been catching up on talks and videos that make me learn more about the art business and being an artist and I wanted to share more about the communities and coaches that I love to learn from. Most of these communities and coaches have a paid plan where you get to learn a lot more, however since it’s not my intention to sell anything but to share what I find useful, I want to mention the freebies that I love from them. I also find it useful to always check out the freebies first, since discovering the tone and approach also makes me know if I want to invest in working with a coach or, joining a community.

I am going to list them in the order in which I have found them. So don’t take the order as a sign of which one I like best, to be honest, they all have great things, it depends a lot on what you’re seeking.

  • The Art Gorgeous, This paid membership community is great for networking, I do recommend you follow them on IG @the_art_gorgeous ( since their art memes are just hilarious and always make my day. Their website ( has also a lot of amazing articles about the art world news, and job offers it’s a great source for being up to date. And they do offer some FREE events on their Eventbrite page so be sure to register for that! ( their next event is going to be on June 11th about networking the smart way which brings me to my next recommendation.
  • The Artist Market Co., Jessica is the face behind this great company and she is the one hosting the event on June 11th with The Art Gorgeous. Jessica is all about helping artists achieve a consistent income and healthy work and life balance. She does offer intensive training which I have not yet had the luck of trying but she gives so many helpful tips on her IG I definitely recommend you follow her there @artistmarketco ( I have been lucky enough to be on a few freebie calls and trainings that she does via instagram and she is just so genuine and open to share her experience that I am just grateful to know her.

  • Sergio Gomez, this guy just brings a smile to my face he is an artist, gallery owner, and coach at The Art Next level community. He has so much experience that he makes it easy to learn from him, his IG is a great starting point @sergiogomezart ( one of the things I am hooked on is his “Breakfast with Sergio” short videos where he talks about practical advice for artists he does post this on his IG but you can seek it on Youtube as well. He also has these amazing short episodes he does with @bethinglishto discussing amazing tips as well. He probably has a lot more free things I don’t even know about since he does so many things but what I love about him is how he openly shares everything he knows, he has so much experience, and what he does not know he will investigate or point you to people who might help you. He has helped me the most with the business side of being an artist

  • Ekaterina Popova is the sweetest artist, coach, and person online! She is an amazing artist, runs an art magazine, and is head of the amazing community The Art Queens. If you follow her on IG @katerinaspopova ( you can get inspired by her life as an artist, and inspirational advice and now she has a new YouTube channel where she is sharing her journey and wisdom as well. She also has a podcast which is really inspiring she has helped me the most with the mindset part of being an artist.

As I mentioned all of them offer WAY more, but I wanted to focus on the freebies because they can help you if you are starting out or even to get t know them before deciding on investing in working with them. I am incredibly grateful to all of them because I did not study art, I am basically self-taught and I doubted myself so much but through the last couple of years learning from all of them has made me grow as a person and artist, and I am incredibly grateful. I hope this information can help you meet and discover these amazing people and grow from them as well, and if you have any more recommendations do leave them in the comments so that we all can benefit from them as well!

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Tenerife, Spain
