Collage Sketchbook

InspirationCollage Sketchbook

Collage Sketchbook

A month ago, as October was starting I wanted to commit to creating more and being more consistent. And the idea of a sketchbook is something I always recommend in my classes.
Because it’s a sketch you don’t worry if you make a mistake and you don’t have the pressure of creating for selling or making a new creation, you literally create for the sake of creating. And that is something that I was longing for in my practice.
I am not sure I will ever not have a sketchbook going. Now I look at the pages and I’m inspired to remember what was on my mind that day. Here is a video for you to enjoy how it’s going so far and, you can see all the process videos for each page on my Instagram @iallamozas 
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Display your work in a bold & confident manner. Sometimes it’s easy for your creativity to stand out from the crowd.

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Tenerife, Spain
